The Law Offices of Borsoni & Cooney, LLC (formerly The Law Offices of James L. Mayer, P.A.) have strong roots in Howard County Maryland.
Since being admitted to the Maryland Bar in 1975, James L. Mayer has engaged in the general practice of law with a focus primarily in the fields of estate planning, wills, trusts, business, corporations, partnerships, real estate, estate administration and general contract law.
In working in the areas of estate planning and administration over the years, the firm has administered estates from the smallest to those of several million dollars. A significant portion of our practice is devoted to assisting clients in planning their estates taking into consideration not only estate and inheritance taxes but also personal and family needs. We prepare wills and trusts to accommodate a wide variety of family situations such as blended families, planning for disability, life insurance trusts as well as marital deduction planning. We have also defended wills and Personal Representatives in caveat, the legal name for will-challenge cases.
We advise clients on whether a revocable living trust or a will is best suited to their needs and the needs of their families. Revocable Trusts, although sometimes marketed as a solution for all, are sometimes advantageous but not always. We always consider a client’s personal situation and desires and advise on whether a revocable trust works for the client.
We represent a large number of business clients in all areas from incorporation or entity formation, day-to-day legal advice on contracts and other business issues, employee matters and sale or restructuring of the business. We assist businesses in sales of all their assets and subsequent dissolution and in stock sales to allow a retiring owner to transfer the business to others. Further, we have successfully represented clients in contract review and drafting, business financing, franchising and generally all matters that occur in the course of business. We also regularly advise business clients on their business planning and estate planning.
With decades of experience in real estate development, sales and purchases, contract disputes, the formation of homeowners’ associations, land development contracts, and financing of land development and real estate ventures. We represent builders, developers and contractors in all those matters and in their business relationships.
In light of the above description of our services, if you have specific questions about legal issues not addressed above, or you would like to explore more fully any information we have provided, we welcome the opportunity to discuss your legal concerns with you. Please feel free to contact James L. Mayer by telephone 410-442-1088 or e-mail:
We pride ourselves in prompt responses to any questions or client concerns and generally return a call the very day we receive it, or as soon as possible.